WELCOME TO QUINN DOMICILIARY AGENCY LTD Quinn Domiciliary Agency Ltd provides personal care and supported living to adults from the age of 19 to 65 years old, with learning disabilities including autistic spectrum disorders, sensory disabilities, mental health needs, physical disability and sensory impairment. FIND OUT MORE


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Quinn Domiciliary Agency Limited
CQC overall rating


What We Do?

Arrangements will be made for QDA’s management team to make an initial visit to meet potential Service Users or an arrangement can be made for a visit to our office at a convenient time to yourselves. A care package can be established, including times, days and the duration of visits, suitable and skilled support workers will be chosen. Should an urgent initial visit be required, please inform us of this matter.

CQC logo
Quinn Domiciliary Agency Limited
CQC overall rating

Who We Are

Carrie Henderson-Roe
Registered Manager

I say to my staff, “Quinn Domiciliary is in your blood”. It’s true we have the best staffing team. They are committed and fully dedicated to our service users. This shows in the quality of care that we provide.

Claire Henderson
Assistant Manager

My role within QDA changes on a day-to day basis, it is an amazing company to work within. The dedication from our whole team is what makes it so amazing.

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